Friday, November 4, 2011

In Havaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

One of that last and best experiences Todd and I had in Hawaii was attending a Luau. Todd knew it was on my top 5 list so he got us VIP seats and we were off to Lahaina on the last night of our trip. The pork was delicious of course as it was baked in the underground oven. The dancing and costumes were phenomenal. If you ever go to Hawaii, never forget to visit a luau, it brings it all together.

Taking the pig out of the ground.

But much like any other show piece, there was an MC that was beyond ham. It was only from him that you should really pronounce Hawaii, Havaiiiiiii and preferably sing it. After many Mai Thai's it only became more halarious.

It's difficult to see him here....don't worry we have plenty of videos. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Connecticut Yeti & Friends

Some say when the Connecticut Yeti strikes, she strikes with catastrophic force! After bringing approximately 8 inches of snow (some totals over a foot in CT), and downing many trees and power lines, the Yeti stopped by The Donohues for a nice cold beer and some pumpkin carving late Sunday afternoon.

Luckily, there was a Ghostbuster, a Viking, and a lady from Massapequa there. Quigley was dressed up as a grouchy old man and Oona was dressed up as a hyperactive devil dog.

Pumpkins were carved and some took it too far.